Normal Certificate

Online Training

Rua Vergueiro, 3185, 8o andar, São Paulo/SP, Brazil.

Razão Social: AOVS Sistemas de Informática S.A

CNPJ: 05.555.382/0001-33

+55 (11) 4118-2432

We certify that Santiago.cabrera completed the online course "Datomic Queries: Identity, navigation and nested queries" with an estimated workload of estimated at 10 hours, performing 49 of 49 activities, in the period from 06/22/2022 to 06/23/2022.

This course covered the following topics:

  1. Identity and Unique Identifiers
  2. Uniqueness on inserts and updates
  3. Referencing entities
  4. Forward and backward navigation
  5. Nested maps and aggregations
  6. Nested queries and transactions

Guilherme Silveira


Carlos Felício
